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> Management of IHM MDs & SDoCs for Maritime Suppliers

Management of IHM MDs & SDoCs for Maritime Suppliers


All maritime suppliers should provide Suppliers Declaration of Conformity (SDOC) and a Material Declaration (MD) for every supplied IHM Part 1 relevant product to ensure the vessels’ IHM is properly updated and maintained.

These documents declare presence or absence of the hazardous materials above the respective threshold values, as listed in the Regulation EU 1257/2013 and MEPC.269(68), in the supplied product.

The suppliers will possibly require the same documentation from down-stream suppliers, ensuring a complete outline of material supplied onboard.

Template of MD & SDoC


  • NO / LITTLE AWARENESS of the EU Regulation.
  • INEFFICIENT SUPPLY CHAIN leading to difficulty in collecting the required material data from sub-suppliers or manufacturers.
  • MISTAKES in preparing the correct MDs and SDoCs in conformity to the regulations and guidelines.
  • LACK OF RESOURCES / MAN-POWER in preparing the declarations.
  • LOT OF TIME required to prepare the declarations per order - per item basis.
  • PROPER FILING & ARCHIVING of the created declarations.
  • PRESSURE & DEADLINES from shipping companies to submit the correctly filled declarations per order – per item.


MD & SDoC Generation for common clients

Verifavia Shipping proudly presents its “Suppliers Dashboard” to ease the process of IHM Maintenance and reduce the workload of the suppliers.


MD & SDoC Generation for other clients

Verifavia Shipping proudly presents its “Suppliers Admin Dashboard” to ease the process of IHM Maintenance and reduce the workload of the suppliers and their sub-suppliers

Supply Chain Overview

Catalogue review

This option is for the suppliers who want to minimize their sampling and testing costs by performing a stringent evaluation of their products, their inventory and potential hazardous materials in a detailed way.
  • Supplier provides Verifavia Shipping a complete catalogue of all their supplied/manufactured products including spare parts and supplies which are supplied to the shipping industry.
  • Verifavia Shipping will review this catalogue and mark the IHM Part 1 relevant items and also list the possibly containing hazardous material for each marked item. 

Complete project

This option is for the suppliers who are willing to work with Verifavia Shipping on a global partnership level to minimize their work as practical as possible to be in compliance with the regulations and guidelines.
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