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> F.A.Q.
> What is meant by site visit and is it mandatory?

What is meant by site visit and is it mandatory?

Verifiers are required to carry out a site visit in order to validate the accuracy of the procedures for data collection, transmission and aggregation described in the monitoring plan, as well as to verify the emissions report.

The location of the site visit will be determined by the verifier considering the places where the critical mass of data is kept (including electronic copies of on-board documents) and where EU MRV activities are carried out.
The verifier may waive the site visit in the following cases:
  1. It has sufficient understanding of the ship’s monitoring and reporting systems, including their existence, implementation and effective operation by the company
  2. The nature and level of complexity of the ship’s monitoring and reporting system are such that a site visit is not required
  3. Its ability to obtain and assess all requisite information remotely. 
The justification(s) for not conducting a site visit must be included in the internal verification documentation.

On the basis of the outcome of a site visit to an onshore location, where it concludes that an on-board verification is needed to reduce the risk of material misstatements in the emissions report, the verifier may decide to visit the ship.
Source: Draft Delegated Act on Accreditation & Verification Art. 6 & 16

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